Welcome to the Town of Trenton Police Department website! On behalf of the Trenton Police Department, I want to personally thank you for your interest and support for our department. The officers of the Trenton Police Department have a wide range of duties that support the mission, vision, and values of the town. Our police department only hires the most professional, well-trained, and well-organized law enforcement officers. We are a community-oriented police agency that serves a population of around 4,600 citizens. We are committed to making Trenton a safe and desirable place to live, raise a family, work, and visit.
We pride ourselves in service, commitment, and ethical policing. We will always strive to ensure that our roadways and community are as safe as possible. We accomplish this mission through education and enforcement.
We operate our department under the auspice of our mission:
“It is the Mission of the Trenton Police Department to provide effective police services by holding ourselves accountable to those we serve, while working in cooperation with the community, and remaining transparent in our efforts”.
With three sworn officers, we are committed to serving the needs of our community by adhering to our Core Values - “TRUSTED”.
By being open and accountable in operations, decision-making, and interactions with the public.
By treating all persons with dignity and respect by promoting equality and fairness, in upholding their Constitutional rights without regard to race, religion, sexual orientation or ability.
By having specialized skills, training, and experience.
By community engagement, outreach, and addressing of problems.
By effective policing strategies and focusing efforts on procedural justice.
By understanding the feelings of others, building connections with those we contact, and fostering trust by the community.
By understanding different backgrounds to better serve the community.
Our community is safe, and our call numbers show it. While we are experiencing tremendous growth, we are committed to keeping our community safe through our continued efforts of enforcement. We are also working towards our Core Accreditation through the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Accreditation Group (WILEAG), which is based on law enforcement excellence by complying with standards that are deemed essential to the safety of citizens, their rights, and the protection of life and property. This accreditation has only been awarded to a handful of agencies so far.
Thank you for visiting our website. Please contact the Trenton Police Department and let us know how we can help serve the community.
Andrew D. Mammen
Chief of Police