Police Department


Christopher Utecht


Andrew Mammen


Joseph Cashin
Trenton Patch

Contact Information

1071 Highway 33 E
West Bend, WI 53095

Emergency: 911

Dispatch: (262) 335-4411
Phone: (262) 675-6009 x111
Fax: (262) 336-9014

Washington County Sheriff:  (262) 335-4378

Police Department Staff — tpdpatrol@townoftrenton.wi.gov

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Wisconsin DNR Hunting Regulations - Please also note the Town of Trenton Ordinances regarding use of firearms

What qualifies as ATVs and UTVs

Going on vacation? We will do periodic "vacation checks" of your property during your absence. Complete this form and email it to tpdpatrol@townoftrenton.wi.gov. Or call 262.675.6009 x111 with your name, address, and dates you would like us to check your house.

All Citations must be paid at the Municipal Court located at:

962 W Paradise Drive
West Bend, WI 53095
(in same building as Educator's Credit Union)
Phone: (262) 334-5700


Seat Belts and Child Car Seats Save Lives!

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